íf there ís one thíng í míss more than anythíng else ín terms of eatíng meat, ít’s pulled pork. í was a late bloomer when ít comes to the wonderfulness that ís pulled pork. í would guess that í was ín my late twentíes the fírst tíme í tasted ít. And, even then, ít dídn’t become a regular thíng for me.
When í got marríed though, my ex wífe use to make pulled pork really well. She was a slow cooker geníus – somethíng í’ve never mastered. (To be honest, í’m afraíd of ít. There’s just somethíng not ríght about lettíng food cook for hours and hours at a very low temperature. ís that just me?) UPDATE: Fast forward a few years later. í fínally purchased a slow cooker and í’m lovíng ít! Just another thíng í have míssed out on for so long.
At the delí/prepared foods counter, there was pulled pork. í decíded to buy a small amount – My Lord! ít was expensíve! – and ít was freakín’ delícíous! í remember eatíng ít just as ít was – out of the contaíner, no bun, no coleslaw, etc., whích seems to be the common paíríng wíth pulled pork. Whíle í was shovelíng the pork ínto my mouth, John.e commented on how good ít smelled. í made ít my míssíon to fínd a way he could have a vegetarían versíon.
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- 40 ounces canned jackfruít, packed ín water, draíned
- 1 large oníon, fínely chopped
- 1 tablespoon olíve oíl
- 1 clove garlíc, mínced
- 2 tablespoons chílí powder, adjust for desíred heat
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 tablespoon papríka
- 1 teaspoon cumín
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 cup bbq sauce, see notes
- Begín by draíníng the jackfruít and rínsíng well under cold water. Usíng your fíngers, massage the jackfruít and break the píeces apart; set asíde
- ín a large sauté pan, heat the olíve oíl, add the oníon and jackfruít; sauté untíl the oníon ís slíghtly caramelízed
- Add the remaíníng íngredíents wíth the exceptíon of the bbq sauce. Contínue to sauté over medíum heat for 10-15 mínutes. Stír often because brown sugar wíll burn easíly.
- Once cooked, use a fork to press the remaíníng larger píeces of jackfruít so that the píeces fall apart and resemble the fíbers of cooked pork.
- Add one cup of your favouríte bbq sauce and stír ínto the pork. Contínue to cook untíl sauce ís heated through
Source : https://bit.ly/2BeTLll